Corner Posts
Our Corner Concrete Posts have 90o twin grooves for high strength, durability and long life.
They are designed to provide a clean finish to the corner of any fencing run.
They are handmade using a high-grade wet concrete mix for a smooth finish and steel reinforcement for maximum strength.
Completely unaffected by rot, our concrete posts offer a much longer lifespan than timber posts, usually up to three times longer.
Commonly used with base panels, these posts are secured using post mix. We also offer Intermediate, 3-way and End Posts to complete any fencing project.
All our Timber Fence Panels have been constructed to fit perfectly between our concrete posts.
Posts are available in the following lengths and have both pyramid and bobble ends, so you can choose which style you prefer:
4’6″ (1.37m), 5’9″ (1.75m), 6’9″ (2.05m), 7’9″ (2.36m), 8’9″ (2.66m)
Call our friendly sales team on 01257 451 303 or email for any advice.
- Alternative to timber posts
- Used to support the corner fence panels in a fencing run
- Slotted for fence panels and base panels
- Provides years of additional life to fencing installations
- Used to make a boundary between gardens and driveways
- Wet cast for a smooth finish
- Reinforced with steel for strength
- Unaffected by rot
- Available from stock for delivery or free collection
- Craned delivery available
£13.78 – £23.01 Ex VAT
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